Thursday, 10 September 2015

Useful links

Our uni has quite a lot of websites, but some of them are only accessible by registered students or staffs. I'm going to list out the websites I know and briefly intro the usage of them.

For non-Taylor's related person, these links are available for you to visit.
Like other universities out there, this link acts as the main webpage for our uni.
From the main page, you can choose to direct yourself to our uni or college or school page.
Those are content rich websites, covering you every details that you wish to know.

This is the Taylor's library website, the database is shared between the university and the college.
You can check for the books or media available using this search bar, it's a very convenience tool.
If you have visited our library before, you should have noticed that there are PCs everywhere around the library with this web page ready for everyone to use.
Well I'm pretty sure you cannot use the service if you are not a student from both the uni and the college so this website is pretty much prepared for the Taylorians only.

This website is for students who signed up the shine award programme, which is for them to get their 2nd graduation transcript. Same as the library portal, this is for Taylorians who signed up the programme only, but other people can still surf it to read the contents.


The coming websites are strictly for Taylor's related persons (students, parents, staff and sponsor) only.
The name of this website already explain the function of it, acting as a portal for student.
You are advised to check the portal every now and then so you don't miss out the news and announcement made by school or your programme. Also not to mention that you must check your attendance every once a week to ensure it is correct, because the lecturer can't correct the mistake after a week has passed.

For newcomers, you can always use this drop-down list if you are not familiar with the interface yet.
(honestly I didn't even notice this thing until someone told me about it. -_-" )

This is where our "textbook" and "homework" laid, you can find all the lecturer notes and assignments inside. One of the most important feature here is the ReWIND, which allow you to watch your recorded lecture class video (only classes in LT have the video recorder). You can check who's online here too but I found it useless, other than reading people's name or check who's up during the wee hours or to stalk your friends by checking if their names are on the list. There's also a message function available but overall I only use it once, and people don't seem to notice when people send them a message so.... honestly speaking, it's useless as well, most of the classes will just create a facebook group or group chat for contact purposes. Anyway, this website must be bookmarked in your browser and make sure to place it in an obvious place for you to click so you can save your time from typing the address or google searching it (that's what I do whenever I'm using comp in the lab) or accessing through portal every time.

*Same as the library one, this website is also shared between the college and the university, so you can actually check your friend name by searching them if you have any friends studying in Taylor's College.

Another website for insiders only.
The services listed in the Portal are actually blank space or dead link, so the only way to get to the services is through this link. This web is accessible through the Portal also but it's not that obvious since it uses an image as hyperlink instead of words, it's at the right side of the portal. You can check on all the services that you are allowed to use and send enquiry if there's a need for that.


**** TAKE NOTES ****
The Taylor's Portal is down from 4 am to 5.30 am everyday for scheduled system maintenance, so make sure you download the things you need before or after the given time.
TIMES is unaffected, so no worries about the assignments or lecture notes.

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